Tecktide believes in continuous improvement and fast delivery of products that’s why we follow the latest trends in project management and project development process.

What is Agile?

Agile is a process where a team can manage a project by breaking it into several stages. It involves continuous collaboration with the stakeholders and improvement at every stage.  In Agile project management, it requires a process of planning execution and evaluation.

Agile begin with the client describing how the end product will look and what problem it will solve. Continuous collaboration among team members and stakeholder is the key to making decisions.

Delivering value and collaborating with customers is one of the main reason to adopt Agile as a project management process.

Agile Lifecycle diagram

Four main values Agile are as follows-

  • Individual and interaction over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following plan

Agile Methodology Frameworks-

With the onset and use of Agile currently, we have different frameworks to implement it.

These include mainly:  Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP) and Adaptive Project Framework(APF)

Scrum: A PM methodology where a small team is led by a Scrum Master whose main job is to clear away all obstacles to completing work. Work is done in short cycles called sprints, but the team meets daily to discuss current tasks and roadblocks that need clearing.

Kanban: A visual approach to project management where teams create physical representations of their tasks, often using sticky notes on whiteboards (or via online apps). Tasks are moved through predetermined stages to track progress and identify common roadblocks.

Extreme Programming (XP): A project management methodology that grew from the idea that most IT projects can’t be managed using traditional PM methods. Work is done in stages and evaluated after each stage.

Adaptive Project Framework(APF): A PM methodology wherein you can change the project plan, budget, and even the final deliverable to fit changing needs, no matter how far along the project is.


Why Agile?

The software industry is highly competitive and dynamic, it requires constant up-gradation and changes. Thus, developers need to constantly improve and innovate(CICD) the product. The Agile approach provides simplicity as it embraces changes as an integral apart of the business strategy. Allowing the client to take advantage of sudden changes and capitalize on new trends.

  • Any project that evolves over time and or does not have clear scope of the requirement.
  • Organisations that work on the fast-changing environment and technologies
  • Organisations which needs to work closely with their customer and other parties through the life of the project
  • A product which require continues improvement and  innovation
  • A project which has lots of dependencies and requires frequent communication and close work together to ensure product success
  • Easy prototyping before the final product
  • A project which requires rapid feedback from stakeholders before moving to the next iteration or draft.


Agile is everywhere. It’s just not a software development method, it’s now an ideology. What started as an approach to managing single projects is now a set of guiding principles for cutting-edge businesses.